Creating A Data Visualization From Scratch Using d3.js

Deriving information from data can be a big challenge. In this post, we will learn how to create a simple data visualization using d3.js. Moreover, we will try to understand the basic concepts under this amazing library as well as go through a brief overview of javascript, css, and svg.


9 Ways To Avoid Pitfalls Using Node.js

Node.js has been widely adopted over the last few years, even by such well-known giants as Netflix, IBM, Walmart, Intel and NASA. Benefits like a support plan and a vast collection of open-source libraries account for much of the growth in Node adoption in the enterprise, replacing typical enterprise solutions like Java and .Net. Node.js went from a common technology in the startup world to a mainstream development approach used by companies of all sizes.


Enabling Rich Previews of Shared Links

A hands-on look at enabling rich previews of links in iMessage, Facebook, and beyond. First published on January 9th, 2017 at

The iMessage app in iOS 10 provides rich previews of links when they are properly formatted to take advantage of this new feature.  In addition, these same links will contain rich previews in other apps too, like Facebook, Reddit, WhatsApp, Skype, Twitter, and others with the same configuration.


How To Build a WebApp Using Swift - Part 1

During the Wordwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2014, Apple brought to the world something every iOS developer was expecting: A new language named Swift, that was presented as the solution for the already old-fashioned Objective-C. The promise was that Swift would be modern, and would bring more safety and power for apps. But the new language was so good, that webdevelopers decided to try it to create webapps.


Improving Javascript Performance with Event Delegation

Events are the most common way to promote interactions between the UI and application layers on web applications. Be it a click, a focus or a scroll, webapps are filled with them, bringing sites to life, enhancing user experience and promoting friendly interfaces to the end user.


Parallax on the web

Those who enjoy surfing the internet and admire the beauty in websites have almost definitely noticed the introduction of a new design concept: the parallax. The parallax itself is a technique that explores component independent movement, creating astonishing 3D visual effects in the page. This effect relies heavily on the scrolling event, where each component can move at different velocities - during the scrolling - in order to grab users’ attention and direct it to a certain area/information. But what types of parallaxes exist? Why and where should we use them? These are a few questions we'll try to answer in this article.