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Introducing JetBrains Academy

Written by Rafael Romão | 7/8/20 5:00 PM

As a .NET developer, JetBrains Resharper has been part of my life since 2014, and when I decided to move from .NET to Java as my primary technology stack, an IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate subscription was one of the first things I decided to buy. Their development tools are among the best available today, so when I received an e-mail from them telling me about JetBrains Academy, I clicked the link right away.

JetBrains Academy is a learning platform that, unlike most learning platforms today, primarily uses text articles instead of video lessons. Along with these articles, there are lots of exercises, from questions to code challenges, as well as very interesting software projects that allow the student to learn by doing.

Just from this short description, JetBrains Academy might not seem that extensive, but take a look at the list of topics you will learn if you choose to complete the Java Developer track, for example:


But don't let this image scare you. When you first enter JetBrains Academy and choose a track, you will be asked for your current expertise level and start by choosing a project.


Currently, there are tracks for Java, Kotlin, and Python, but Android, Data Science, and Front End are also on the way. As you can see in the knowledge map, you can also use JetBrains Academy to review those algorithm lessons you often need to revisit when preparing for a technical interview.


But that's not all. When you select a project, you have a list of skills you need to master before moving on to the hands-on component, and at this point you can choose to take the lessons, which I highly recommend, or skip the topic. The next step will be available as soon as you complete the prerequisites.



In this last image, you can see what one of these lessons looks like. I will leave the exercises and all the rest for you. Navigate to https://www.jetbrains.com/academy and start learning today.