Use Java EE JSON to Avoid Mapping Complex DTOs

(This article was first published on LinkedIn.)

When developing applications, you’ve probably faced a situation in which you need to integrate with third-party APIs, either to improve a service that provides users with data or to add a new functionality. Many software engineers solve this by mapping complex DTOs, but there's a much easier method available. 



How to Build A Simple JAX-RS Application with CDI using Java EE

Java EE has typically been painted as an overly complicated and heavyweight solution. This perception persists today, despite its great usability and suitability for backend and even microservice development. While most discussions of the topic center around a comparison between Java EE and Spring, my objective in this article is to simply focus on the ways in which Java EE can be easily and productively utilized to create a project, and let readers decide for themselves whether the tool meets their needs.