How to Perform UITests on iOS Without Getting A Headache

Designing and writing tests aren't the most exciting things in the world, we know, but tests are absolutely essential for any app you write. They might be the difference between a shining 5-star app on the AppStore, or a bug-ridden collection of code. We all know what Unit Tests are and how to...


A Developer's Perspective On Angular 2+

Should I learn Angular 2+? You may have asked yourself this question several times, but you've probably stayed on the safe side, and most likely stuck to your preferred framework or plain vanilla javascript and ES6. Now that the frameworks you’ve been hearing about have finally been released and...


Microservices Architecture As A Large-Scale Refactoring Tool

Software systems have definitely changed throughout the years. Initially, large mainframes were used to process batches of jobs overnight for long hours to get the results that banks and big companies needed. Eventually, big systems were used to process different online jobs, which required large...

Visual Regression Testing With Applitools

Essentially, Visual Regression is a tool for image comparison. It compares the actual page image by loading the page in real time, with a baseline saved image. If there are any pixel differences, the tool shows the result as a failure. These tools allow you to set ignored areas to work with dynamic...


AC Spotlight - Aaron Gette

Aaron Gette, CIO of the The Bay Club, caught our interest through his integration of a people-led approach with his tech-centric executive role. Being an innovator and a major player at The Bay Club, a San Francisco institution, we knew he would have some unique insights into the world of tech.