Getting the Most out of Your Retrospective

The retrospective meeting is a crucial part of the Scrum framework. Its goal is to ensure that the process used is reviewed after every sprint and the team never stops improving. But how can you ensure your retrospective that achieves this goal?


Let’s not do a Retrospective. We’re too busy right now!

The retrospective ceremony is an amazing opportunity for teams to become more Agile by learning from the past and trying new approaches. By so doing, teams can consistently achieve better results in overcoming project obstacles. However, it's often put aside due the pending work the team still...


DevOps Practice

DevOps has become the practice du jour among innovative IT departments. But what does it look like day to day? And how did it evolve over time? Below, I'll explore some tools and platforms that help enhance your DevOps practice.


Agile and Continuous Touch-points

The best teachers I have ever had made their finest points outside of the typical every-day classroom lesson. A long time ago, my fourth grade school teacher wanted to teach us a valuable life lesson. He whispered five sentences into the ear of a student in the first row. She then whispered the...