How to Use WireMock for Integration Testing

As a software engineer, you might need to consume an API that is not completely ready yet, or maybe you're still waiting for the API key that is taking forever to be provided. So why not test happy paths, edge cases, failures, timeouts, and performance constraints with API stubs through a mocked...


Processing Messages with Spring Cloud Stream and Kafka

Spring Cloud Stream is a framework that helps developers with data integration problems, especially in event oriented applications. The goal of the framework is to make it easy to apply modern microservices architecture patterns, decouple application responsibilities, and port business logic onto...


Quarkus is the Answer to Cloud Native Tech

Although Quarkus is relatively new, it's attracting a lot of attention. The project was created by the open source community and consists of a Kubernetes-native Java stack tailored for OpenJDK Hotspot and GraalVM, crafted from the best-of-breed Java libraries and standards. Hence, it's an excellent...