Docker on Pipeline - Part 1

Docker on Pipeline - Part 1

If you have ever had to start on a new team, you know the feeling of finding yourself a bit lost amidst dozens of tutorials and all the documentation required to set up your development environment. Odds are, you may have even skipped a step or two and found yourself in a mess. Even if not, there's...


Tutorial: Firebase + Android

Firebase is a customizable mobile platform with several common features such as authentication. For those just getting started with the platform, I've put together a brief tutorial on how to integrate with an Android application. 


How To Make Your Android App Smarter

Artificial Intelligence and its branches such as machine learning quickly gaining in popularity with both users and developers alike. While there is no single recipe to creating the next greatest app that everyone will use, but I can guarantee that one of the ingredients in the usage of...


Java Mission Control and Java Flight Recorder

Working as a programmer you will probably always face doubts about the performance of your applications. Proving that the application you have developed is reliable and has good performance and good memory usage is never an easy task. We do have several tools available from different vendors to...


Lessons We Learned From Agile Trends 2017

Agile Trends is an event that aims to push the boundaries of the Software Industry with modern themes, trends and real-world use cases. And of course, Avenue Code was there to sponsor it. In addition to sponsoring, we sent some of our best and brightest to learn from the speakers and fellow...


Software Craftsmanship Manifesto - A call for professionalism

Compared with other leading professions, the software industry is still in the early stages of development. As in any field, software developers are constantly attempting to identify practices and principles to develop better and faster software. As we've grown up as an industry, we've created...